bloc_event_transformers library Null safety


debounce<Event>(Duration duration) EventTransformer<Event>
Event transformer that will only emit items from the source sequence whenever the time span defined by duration passes, without the source sequence emitting another item. [...]
delay<Event>(Duration duration) EventTransformer<Event>
The delay() transformer is pausing adding events for a particular increment of time (that you specify) before emitting each of the events. This has the effect of shifting the entire sequence of events added to the bloc forward in time by that specified increment. [...]
skip<Event>(int count) EventTransformer<Event>
Skips the first count events. [...]
throttle<Event>(Duration duration, {bool trailing = false, bool leading = true}) EventTransformer<Event>
Emits an , then ignores subsequent events for a duration, then repeats this process. [...]